Vote For The Best Movie - [Showing Free] This Friday [Wolemusic]

Morning  Oui  community! Wolemusic  cinemas  is  showing  two  free  movies  this Friday 20th, Nov, 2015. Time: 2-4 & 4-6, but  we've been given the power to choose  between "Transport  Refuelled, "American  Ultra"  and "Movie 33"..

kindly send  your  vote  to 
08023556976(whatsapp) or our BBm -7a7473b3, your can also visit us at Oau-oui  creativity  hub  located at Oui  minimart  before  tomorrow. Thanks for your cooperation

He who choses a wise movie smiles the more at the cinemas...#winks

Happy Convocation week! You can bank on Us for exclusive interview nd update on that... stay informed with OUGOSSIP #WeGatYourBack#AndGotYouCovered
